Bricklayers Arms flyover could become elevated park

Southwark Council is seeking local people's views on the future of the Bricklayers Arms gyratory, including the potential conversion of the flyover into a tree-lined park.

Bricklayers Arms flyover could become elevated park

The Bricklayers Arms is a key intersection on the inner London ring-road where the New Kent Road meets the Old Kent Road and Tower Bridge Road.

This week Southwark's cabinet agreed to move forward with the next draft of its Old Kent Road Area Action Plan (OKRAAP) which has this to say about the Bricklayers Arms:

Options are being explored to improve pedestrian permeability at this junction, which will include the reconfiguration of the highways network for increased priority for pedestrian and cyclist movement.

The site will provide new homes, jobs and increased landscaping. It is likely that once the roads have been reconfigured the flyover will be retained converted to an elevated park the “Flyover Park”, keeping the embodied carbon of the structure locked in and planting trees and greenery to sequester more carbon.

The new greenery would link with neighbouring Paragon Gardens as well as St Saviour’s and St Olave’s School. The elevated park/woodland would provide excellent views over Old Kent Road and the city beyond.

The introduction of new street frontages in the remaining area will improve the quality of the space and increase permeability for people walking and cycling, reducing the severance created by the existing junction layout and the flyover. The site should maximise the opportunity to retain existing high-quality trees.

Demolition of the flyover was previously considered but ruled out on cost grounds. In 2013 then Mayor of London Boris Johnson said there were "no plans to convert the Bricklayers Arms flyover into an elevated park such as a New York-style High Line".

Pre-covid, other ideas aired by Southwark Council officials included the conversion of the flyover into an open-air swimming pool.

In 2018 Transport for London ruled out the construction of a tube station at the Bricklayers Arms as part of the Bakerloo line extension despite a cross-party local campaign.

The council is currently running an online consultation about the Bricklayers Arms:

We will be exploring the potential to reconfigure and improve the transport network, create more land for housing and repair a historic stretch of high streets to stitch the site back into its surrounding neighbourhoods, focussing on creating high quality public realm, improving accessibility and movement and green space. 

The first stage is to gather ideas and understand the issues and desires for the site and surrounding area. This will help to gauge the overall ambition for the area that will align with the needs and desires of residents, businesses and visitors.

The online survey - which closes on Sunday 20 October, asks questions including:

  • What is special about the Bricklayers Arms and Old Kent Road area?
  • What place in the area do you value or enjoy spending time in?
  • What does the area around Old Kent Road need?
  • What would make the area great?
For more information see the Southwark Council consultation website
Tags: Southwark, Politics & local government, Planning & Development, Transport, Parks & green spaces, Old Kent Road

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