Food & drink
Blue Eyed Maid: Borough High Street pub to make a comeback
Half a decade after it was last open, the Blue Eyed Maid pub in Borough High Street is set to make a comeback.
Food & drink
Half a decade after it was last open, the Blue Eyed Maid pub in Borough High Street is set to make a comeback.
Songwriters and producers Mike Stock, Matt Aitken and Pete Waterman this week unveiled a blue plaque outside the former location of their studios in Southwark's Vine Yard.
From a Bankside brothel to a temporary ecological park next to Tower Bridge, several of the 'lost' gardens of Southwark and Lambeth are featured in a new Garden Museum exhibition.
River Thames
After a quarter of a century in storage, ironwork from the balustrade of Westminster Bridge has been sold to a business owner on the South Coast.
The organisers of a community photography project are keen to hear from anyone with photos or memories of Lower Marsh and The Cut in the 1950s, 1960s or 1970s.
A milestone in the restoration of the replica of the Golden Hinde at St Mary Overie Dock was marked on Wednesday with the third and final new mast lowered into position.
Wednesday 12 June is the 180th anniversary of the birth in Waterloo of John James Sainsbury, founder of one of the UK's best-known supermarket chains.
An historic building - the last remaining element of a railway station where coffins and mourners left London for a Surrey cemetery - is up for sale with a £4.2 million asking price.
A project to explore the history of 'Cardboard City' at Waterloo is one of 56 schemes to share in funding from Historic England's Everyday Heritage Grant programme.
Planning & Development
Updated plans for the development of the Transport for London-owned land on Southwark Street - including public display of a Roman mausoleum and mosaics discovered on the site - have been approved by Southwark councillors.
A new self-guided walking tour takes you around the SE1 area bringing the community campaigns of the 1970s and 80s to life.
A former rectory near Lambeth Palace - now part-converted to a luxury mansion - is back on the market with a £6 million price tag, two years after it was touted with a £15 million asking price.
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