Union warns LSBU cuts would 'hollow out' university

A union leader has warned that London South Bank University would be left as "a shell of its former self" if proposed job cuts go ahead.

Union warns LSBU cuts would 'hollow out' university

Restructuring plans were announced to LSbU staff last month, with the Universities & Colleges Union saying that 297 posts have put at risk, including almost one in five (226 out of 1082) academic staff.

UCU general secretary Jo Grady said: "The cuts that London South Bank University wants to force through would leave the institution a shell of its former self, you simply cannot slash this many jobs without completely hollowing out the university’s capacity to teach and support students.

"Our members refuse to allow cuts of this magnitude to be forced through and have overwhelmingly passed a vote of no confidence in the vice-chancellor and senior management team ... 

"It is also extremely concerning that the university is clearly targeting senior staff. Getting rid of the most experienced academics is bad for students and would cause irreparable harm to London South Bank’s reputation. Management must now listen to staff and halt these devastating cuts."

Professor David Phoenix, vice-chancellor and chief executive of LSBU, said: “The University has informed unions about these proposals and has opened a formal consultation with staff on Wednesday 15 May. We know that this is difficult news for colleagues to digest and we are offering a range of support to help them through this period.   

“Our priority is to ensure a better balance of staff, based on student demand, and to ensure we have a structure that allows the university to provide an excellent student experience, meet the needs of the local community and employers, and positions us for future growth.”  

Tags: Education, Southwark, Elephant & Castle

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