Southwark to turn car parking spaces into bays for dockless hire bikes
21 on-street car parking spaces in SE1 are to be converted into designated bays for dockless hire bikes and scooters under plans agreed by Southwark Council this week.

Cllr James McAsh, Southwark's cabinet member for climate emergency, clean air & streets, this week signed off a decision to approve an experimental traffic management order which will create 147 new in-carriageway e-scooter & cycle hire parking bays across the borough.
The borough currently has 82 parking bays for e-scooters and e-bikes on both the pavement and road.
The council says the £200,000 cost of creating the new e-scooter and bike bays will be met from parking service revenue.
21 of the new bays will be located in SE1.
Whilst the use of e-scooters in Southwark is part of a pan-London trial authorised by central Government and managed by Transport for London, Southwark Council has reached agreements with two dockless e-bike operators about how their schemes should operate locally.
SE1 streets where car parking bays will be converted
- Alscot Road
- Bermondsey Street
- Deverell Street
- Falmouth Road
- Great Guildford Street
- Great Suffolk Street
- Hampton Street
- Leathermarket Street
- Leroy Street
- Maltby Street
- Manciple Street
- Pardoner Street
- Park Street
- Parker's Row
- Pocock Street
- Rennie Street
- Rolls Road
- Sweeney Crescent
- Tabard Street
- Webb Street
- Weston Street x2