Stock Aitken Waterman blue plaque unveiled
Songwriters and producers Mike Stock, Matt Aitken and Pete Waterman this week unveiled a blue plaque outside the former location of their studios in Southwark's Vine Yard.

The plaque was installed as part of Southwark Council's blue plaque scheme which allows local people to vote for the historical locations and people they would like to see recognised.
Radio DJ Mike Read compered the unveiling ceremony at which the three music industry legends were reunited.
The plaque can be found in Vine Yard, just off Marshalsea Road close to Borough Underground Station.
Stock Aitken Waterman was based in Vine Yard from 1984 until the partnership ended in 1993, though Pete Waterman continued his association with Vine Yard beyond then.
Among the many notable songs linked to Vine Yard is 1989's Do they know it's Christmas? for Band Aid II which was recorded at the studios.
Speaking at Wednesday's ceremony, Pete Waterman said: "This was a magical building to us. There are so many memories here in terms of the story of pop. This building was special.
"It's different now – this area's quite trendy. When we first moved here, this was the worst area in London.
"We used to have to guide the staff [to the main road] at night because there were dead bodies there, and that is not a joke.
"But it was home to us, and the local community was fantastic."
Last year Waterman's Vine Yard penthouse home was on the market for £1.25 million.